Overview of the book

3, 2, 1, leaders!  Mobilising your teams in project mode

The author shares the lessons of his long experience of management in a variety of contexts, enriched by the testimony of 15 managers and entrepreneurs, to help you mobilize your teams in project mode and become an entrepreneurial leader, combining agility and capacity to lead.
He explains the path to entrepreneurial leadership:

3) undertake, investing yourself in projects which fit your leadership assets and your aspirations, and taking the time to reflect on the collective ambition and  the action principles you intend to propose to your project team

2) demonstrate from the outset your capacity to inspire your teams and lead them to success, fostering a climate of trust around you

1) anticipate your personal development path and the transition management processes which will allow you to develop other agile leaders and to have a lasting impact on your organisation

Philippe Masson has lived most of his life in project mode, whether at INSEE (the French statistical office), at McKinsey, at Capgemini, or since he started his own company, MyDevelopment Pro. His vision of leadership combines his experience as strategist and his convictions as humanistic manager, which led him to publish a first book (in French) in 2004: Manager Humaniste: Parier sur la confiance (The Humanistic Manager: Betting on trust).
Proud to be French and at the same time a citizen of the world, he has written and is publishing this book in English as well as in French.

Important contributions to this book have been made by Bertrand Collomb (Lafarge), author of the foreword, by Paul Hermelin (Capgemini), author of the preface, and by Eric Labaye (McKinsey), author of the postface.

And the illustrations have been created by Lise Démoulin.

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